Sunday, October 7, 2012

A little less food and a little more run

Who could resist this face?
So if anyone watched the Georgia vs. South Carolina game yesterday, you know that my team decided to not show up to play. I still love my Alma mater, but that game took away my appetite, so I ended up eating a half peanut butter sandwich around 8:45. The good news about last night was that I wasn't having any pain in my foot and decided to try it out at the gym this morning.

I started my morning at the gym very easy with 35 minutes on the stationary bike, just testing out the foot. Then I did about 8 minutes on the rowing machine and boy were my legs feeling it! I did 15 minutes of weight lifting and then hopped back on the bike for 25 minutes and pushed as hard as my legs would allow. After all that, my foot was still feeling okay so I decided to try out the treadmill. I had some initial pain in my foot as I increased my speed, but it seemed to dissipate the more I ran. I am still experiencing some soreness in my foot but it doesn't seem to have gotten any worse. Maybe I will be able to run again! 

 Chris, I took this picture for you so you could see my matchiness and make fun of me :-) Please ignore the unmade bed.

I checked the avocado I got at the store the other day, and it was finally ripe, so I decided to have my favorite lunch. A turkey, gouda, and avocado wrap with a green pepper and pretzels. I feel like I could never get tired of this tasty meal. 

Now I just need to find the motivation to unpack from the trip to my parents and do some laundry. I'm hoping to try a new dessert recipe later, but we will see if I decide to get up or just sit here for the rest of the day and veg out. 

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